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Who am I?

My name is Drew and I am 32.  I am married with 2 beautiful children and we live in Barnstaple, North Devon...

Until a few years ago, I had ZERO interest in health and fitness, I ate junk and takeaways daily, I regularly binge-drank alcohol and it was showing in my physique – I was 265lbs and over 40% body fat, but I didn’t care!!  I was employed working in a factory and my life was going nowhere...  Fast...

I was unfortunate enough to have an accident at work where I damaged my knee and lower back so badly that I was left unable to get out of bed for 6 months, followed by 12 months of physiotherapy and hydrotherapy in order to get me off the crutches and walking again.  Severe depression set in and I hit rock bottom...


The entire time I was laid up, I promised myself that if I was ever able to get out of bed and walk unaided again, I was going to make the most of it – I was going to be active AND I was going to lose weight!!  I began reading magazines, reading articles on the internet, joining forums, anything I could to gain the knowledge I needed.  Then it hit me!  I CAUGHT THE BUG!!  THE FITNESS BUG!!


So much so, that I registered for a gym instructors course and attended the first 2 months ON the crutches!!  Since then, I have fully qualified as a PT and I have gained my ‘Weight Training Prescription Specialist’ certification through the IFBB (International Federation of Body Building and Fitness).  My weight now sits at 182lbs (So I dropped 83lbs!!) and my body fat is now 14% (A drop of over 26%).


I have now MANAGED A GYM for 12 months helping homeless people and those with substance abuse problems clean up their lifestyle and get fit; as well as being a self-employed PT working with clients looking to transform their body's in the same way I have...


As for the depression?  I have now beaten it completely and haven’t used depression medication for as long as I can remember...  Being healthy and leading a healthy lifestyle has LITERALLY transformed my life for the better and I am proud to be able to say that I am now helping others to transform their lives too...


These are the pictures I took to measure my progress.  The first one was taken on July 3rd 2011 (The day I started my transformation), the second picture I took on January 7th 2013 – so they are 18 months apart...

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